
Golfsense swing secrets revealed

"Amazing - I'm Gaining A Club Extra Distance Since Using Just One Of The 4 Magic Moves!"
"The course has helped improve my ball striking.Golfsense swing secret reveal. The one that probably helped most is the first magic move whilst starting the back swing, I have gained enough distance, for example, to where I currently hit an 8 iron where I was hitting a 7 iron (150 yards). I'm 62 years old and will be 63 in December, and I think hitting an 8 iron 150 yards is pretty darn good for this old geezer. Thanks Andy."
C Walker, Chicago, IL
"I Reduced My Handicap From 9 Down to 6!"

Clive Haddow, Gold Coast, Australia

Golfsense swing secrets revealed

The Backward Break Off The Forward Press. A key move you will very quickly learn to make with your eyes closed! (page 45)

The Completed Break And How To Easily And Quickly Learn It. Note how to turn the left shoulder and not duck it! (page 46)

A Common Fault In Executing The Break And How You Can Eradicate It Forever. The left shoulder has ducked, the player substituting the duck for the correct turning actio.n (page 46)

The Wrong Break Altogether And The Secrets To Correct It. Discover all the check points to ensure this never happens to you. (page 47)

What You Must See When You Turn And Look At Your Hands After The Backward Break Is Completed. Simple when you know!(page 48)

What You Will See When You Have Made The Wrong Break. There is no way you will be in the right position at the top now! (page 49)

The Open-Face Take-Away That Leads To So Much Trouble And How You Can Quickly Correct It. These two illustrations highlight this fatal flaw and how to get rid of it! (page 52)

How The Bad Backswing Leads To The "Easy-Chair Slouch" And How To Easily Fix It. You'll never hit a good one from here! (page 53)

How To Have The Correct Backswing And Play Superb Golf. Understanding that the backward wrist break and the relationship to the the club face is key. (page 54)

Learn How To Keep Everything Tight And Have The Perfect Position To Move Right Down And Hit The Ball Perfectly. These 5 checkpoints will ensure success for the rest of your golfing life! (page 56)

Focus On These Key Check Point Positions For The Top Of Your Swing. When you how many knuckes you should see the game becomes easy. (page 57)

How To Use The Shoulder Tap Test To Establish The Correct Swing Plane. This powerful two second method ensures you aren't too upright or too flat. (page 58)

The Fatal Flaws Of The Down Swing With The Quick Tips To Replace Them With The Magic Moves. The result is a weak slap of the ball. (page 61)

The Magic Moves That Will Accelerate Your Golf Game Overnight. Three remarkable illustrations that will change your game foreveR.r(page 62)

The Imaginary T-Square - We Show How This Will Benefit Your Golf ? Don't forget to study these 4 illustrations. (page 64 & 65)

Golfsense swing secrets revealed 

"The Best Thing That Has
Ever Happened To My Game!"
"Being busy with work and family, I only get to play a few times a year. My game has been steadily getting more and more erratic. Using the Four Magic Moves described in your excellent book has enabled me to improve my game, even though I've virtually no practice time! It's amazing, well done and thank you."
T Jenkins, Oxford UK
""Definitely The Best Golf Investment I Have
Made In My Entire Life, Costing Less Than
The Price Of One Golf Club!"

Greg, Darwin, Australia

The Eternal Triangle And What It Means For You!- Now There's A Better Way To Play Golf? Use this technique to knock 5 shots off your next round. (page 66)

This Key Sequence Shows The Relationship Of The Left Hip And Left Side. Are YOUR hips ever in this position when you hit the ball?(page 67 & 68)

How To Easily Check Your Hand-Wrist Position. You can't afford to miss this position.(page 71)
The Disc Technique That Cuts Through All The Noise Concerning The Golf Swing Plane. In one fell swoop YOU can fully understand the golf swing like never before! (page 73)

The Three Ring Image - Guaranteed To Work Wonders On Your Golf Swing! This strategy really slices through all the rubbish you see written about the golf swing! (page 77)

The Fatal Flaw At The Ball And How To Quickly Correct It. A good shot is impossible if you don't take on this advice. (page 79)

The Magic Move Through The Ball - Miss This And There Is No Way You Can Consistently Hit Perfect Shots. For the poor or average player the same magic moves apply, but he must first learn to get himself into the position the good player is in as he reaches the hitting area. (page 80)

I Reveal The Puzzling "Hitting Position". Here the player is coming down behind the ball perfectly. His hands have almost reached the ball, but his club head has a full quarter-circle to travel. HOW does it ever catch up? (page 81)

The Correct Hitting Position That Has Puzzled Golfers For So Long! How does the club head catch up with the hands? The answer is COAM (page 83)

The Wrong Hitting position - And How Wrong YOU Can Get It! Compare the positions point for point. (page 84)

The Crucial Golf Swing At Impact Photograph! Notice how the hips have gone through and turned, and how much weight has been transferred to the left leg. (page 85)

The Swing Plane Of An Inside-Out Swing! The path of the club is traced
by electric light on the toe of the club head. (page 86)

Swing Plane Of An Outside-In Swing And How to Automatically Self-Correct It! Learn the secrets of successfully positioning your body weight for the perfect swing. (page 86)

I Expose The Conservation Of Angular Momentum With A Driver and Iron! (page 87-89)

The Cracking Of A Bull Whip - What Has This Got To Do With Golf? All will be explained! (page 91)

The Fact Is YOU Must Understand How COAM Works? (page 92-93)
"Truly A Revelation - I Have NEVER Hit The Ball Straighter Or Longer - Thanks Andy!"
"Andy, I can honestly say that your golf book has been extremely helpful. After years of being plagued by a slice, your tips regarding grip have been a revelation. As a priority, I have been working hard on grip changes and it has been great to see the difference it has already made.
The relief of cracking the ball and seeing it flying straighter and further is great !!! It has given me so much more confidence. I have lots more work to do on other areas that you have advised on and it will take time but please be assured it is very much appreciated and does make a lot of difference. Your advice gives me things to work on during practice and while playing, making the experience very rewarding.
Many thanks. Regards Colin"
C Craig, Montrose, Scotland
"Haven't Looked Back Since Discovering The
New 4 Proven Secrets To A Great Golf Swing"

Giulio Petrella, Australia

The Secondary System For Rotating The Hands - The Ultimate Secret For Generating More Clubhead Speed Without Even Trying! (page 96)

At The Finish Of The Swing Your Hands Should Still Be As Tight As In This Picture. (page 98)
The Strap Treatment. The UNBEATABLE learning aid for confirmed outside-inners and hitters-from-the-top. (page 99)

The Wrong And Right Ways To Hit The Short Pitch. Discover key lessons on pitching with confidence. (page 102 -103)

A Breakthrough Method For Improving Your Chip Shot Technique. (page 105)
Understanding The Definite Formula To Successful Putting. (page 112 - 114)
The Sure-Fire Way To Get Up And Down From Every Bunker. (page 117 - 118)
Learn How The Early Break Helps Perfect Your Swing. (page 130)
The Final Position Of The Wrists At The Top Of The Swing Showing Radial Deviation. (page 131)

The "Quiet Club" At The Top Of The Swing. What this means and how it can strip shots off your handicap. (page 134)

Key Strategies on the Tee. (page 140)
Mastering The Par 5s. Learn the correct route for the second and third shots. (page 143)
Taking Divots. The Key differences between playing in dry and wet weather (page 144)
Unmissable Putting Lessons That You Can't Afford To Miss. (page 146)

And Another Unsolicited Email Received About "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf":
"My confidence is sky high and only last week I broke 80 for the first time in my life! It's all thanks to "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf". I no longer have to waste my money on any more golf instruction. I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't discovered this gem. Thanks Andy!"
A J Jennings, Plymouth
"I'm More Confident On The Golf Course &
I'm Hitting Straighter And Longer Balls!"

Mike Morris, South of England

Imagine fine-tuning your current swing and sharpening your golf skills to a much higher level. Get the "edge" and break 90, 80 or 70 today!

What would straighter shots and great putts mean to your game? How much better could your current swing be if you knew how to make the four magic moves?

Don't take my word for it. Try it! Find out for yourself. Add a copy of "The New Four Magic Moves" to the cart immediately and put what you uncover to the test.

You can start practicing down the range, on the course or even in your own garden and home. But whatever you do, I'm confident it will blow your socks off and you will be more than thrilled with your copy of "The New Four 

Magic Moves To Winning Golf".

The only way to tell is if you try it for yourself and see it first hand.

"But How Much Are YOU Willing to Pay to Potentially
Turn Into A Low Single Figure Handicap Player?"

Golfsense swing secrets revealed.Some people buy countless manuals, videos and DVDs that literally cost thousands of dollars, pounds and euros! Other people hire the services of a professional that cost almost the same in the end.
(Remember, a golf professional can charge at least $45 a hour for their services!)

What price tag would YOU put on something with the opportunity to show you the steps to start playing like a professional golfer?

"Okay - So What's The Cost For This Incredible Resource?"

Frankly, I thought long and hard about delivering this exclusive information only as part of a high-priced seminar where I charge at least $39.959 per person. But instead of going to all the trouble of arranging for a teaching room and golf range and taking time out of my schedule - I settled on an online video, digital ebook and audio course format as a perfect and convenient way to deliver this information (for you and me).

What does this mean for you?

Well I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs. I don't have to set up a call centre to take telephone orders, though if you want to say hi, or check I'm a real person or just to have a chat about golf I'm more than happy to hear from you on +44 (0)1334 472892.

And that's not all, I can pass my cost savings along to YOU!
Don't worry about downloading, everything is a snap and it works for both PC and MAC users plus you still get all the bonuses listed below.

So remember ...

... If you're truly serious about the possibility of learning how to develop the ability to hit amazing consistent golf shots, your entire investment is...
... Only $77, $57 $39.95
At $39.95, I'm sure you'll agree this is an incredible bargain.

But since we just launched this course, you can get it right now at $37.05 off

I'm willing to give you $249.85 of my products (see all the bonuses below) in this marketing test for just $39.95 because I'm in this business for the long haul ...

I truly value you as a long term client and I know you'll be thrilled with the value in this $249.85 package that you'll come back to me and buy from me time and time again, year after year.

I'd hate you to miss out ...

Think about it for a moment. If you consider the fact that you would spend more than this amount on one golf lesson, then this tiny investment ofonly $39.95 is more than fair.

I have been told that this price is way too cheap!
In fact, I might be raising the price very soon. (I'm thinking of testing price points as high as $77 once my introductory launch is over.) So I urge you to get your hands on this course before it's late... I'd hate to see you 
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I'm also giving YOU tons of bonuses including tips and advice!

There you have it - you couldn't ask for a better deal.
And if all of that wasn't enough, here's something else...

" ... Here's The Deal I've Cooked Up For You ..."

I want to treat you like I wish I would be treated when I try something new. That's why, I'm going to give you the chance to "rip me off", if you so choose, without a hint of bad feeling.

It works like this. I'm charging $39.95 for this course… and because I have to process the money through an accounting system, you need to pay when you order. BUT… we're just sort of "holding" your money in escrow, so to speak. Because, once you receive your course, you have the next two months to use it… master the secrets… and try them out in your game to your heart's content.

Only then -- when the two months are up, and you are either absolutely convinced (and happy) or absolutely disappointed - am I asking you to decide if what you learned is worth your $39.95 or not. If what you saw revealed in the course didn't allow you to go out to the range for an hour, and then start smacking drives 35 yards further, with all the consistency and accuracy and power I've promised you here…then simply tell me, and I'll rush 
your money back to you. No hassles, no nonsense at all, no questions to answer. Just boom -- you tell me, and I send your money back to you.

Thus, if you choose, you will have seen and heard the four magic moves…for FREE. In fact… since we aren't going to ask you any questions … if you choose , you can tell me you want a refund even if you ARE hitting further, more accurately, and with more power. It's up to you. I'll go broke, of course and friends say I'm being too generous, and that I will get ripped off. But I choose to believe that if I honestly deliver on MY promises (and I do), guys like you will happily pay the $39.95… and even be eager to see what else we have to share later on.

So. I suppose this is an experiment. I've done the work…all you have to do is order the course and see for yourself what it's all about. Simply click on the link below. This transaction is100% totally secure. So order now and have it rushed to you NOW...

100% "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee

Listen, if you don't agree that this is the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you've ever received on the subject of golf, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot. No hard feelings and no questions asked. In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire 2 months after you get everything! That's right, 2 months to use and gain from this unique information and at anytime you can ask (and receive) an immediate refund. And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the video, ebook and audio course as my free gift just for giving this a shot.

"6 Amazing Bonuses (valued at $212.85)
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I want to make this opportunity even easier by including very valuable bonuses that will really make this the ultimate tool for playing exceptional golf.

... Here's something GUARANTEED to keep you awake tonight.


Fit To A Tee by Mike Pederson ($27.97 Value)

Along with your copy of "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", you get "Fit To A Tee - Discover The Missing Link To Playing Your Best Golf" by Mike Pederson

With this powerful book, you can easily discover "why most golfers will never reach their potential and how YOU can transform your game and leave them in your dust! (The concept is very simple and you'll be shocked at how quickly you can gain results!)

Mike has had the privilege of helping thousands of people including club professionals, mini-tour players, collegiate golfers and senior players, improve their golf performance by strengthening their weaknesses, and reducing their limitations.

This bonus is valued at $27.97 and offers some of Mike Pederson's best secrets to improving your golf and fitness. But today, it's yours absolutelyFREE as a valued customer of "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf".


"The Top Thirteen Sure-Fire Ways To Hole Every Putt" by Andy Brown ($19.97 Value)

Not available anywhere else! As a super added bonus to "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", I'm giving you a FREE copy of my ebook,"The Top Thirteen Sure-Fire Ways To Hole Every Putt"
This ebook will enable you to practice your putting with a real purpose.

This is your chance to discover 13 proven methods to instantly improve your putting - these are the very same drills that the top pros use to stay on top of their game.

Access the top drills use by the world's best players!
There are many different types of putting training aids on the market today, but for the purposes of this book I concentrate on tools that are easily accessible. Thus these techniques are great if you want to quickly practice on the practice green before you go out to play.

Don't Miss These "Never Miss Again Breakthrough Tips and Drills"

This book has NEVER been available to buy online... Yours FREE when you order

"The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf".


"How To Easily Cut 3 Shots By Knowing The Rules" by Andy Brown ($27.97 Value)

Exclusive! As a super added bonus to "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", I'm including a FREE copy of my ebook, "How To Easily Cut 3 Shots By Knowing The Rules"

This Let me spell it out to you - if you don't know the rules there is no way you can benefit from them.

Don't make the same costly mistakes I have made, you now have the opportunity to lower your score without even hitting a ball!

Here is an example of what I mean:

Rule 13-4: If a player has hit the ball from within a bunker but his ball remains in the bunker, he is allowed to rake the sand; however, he should not touch the sand with his club. Should a ball be hit out-of-bounds from within a bunker, the ball must be dropped nearest the point of the last shot within the bunker. Here again, the sand can be raked before the drop, but the club should not touch the sand.

Benefit: Although the club cannot touch the sand, the raking of sand before the drop is taken can eliminate obstruction and provide an easier sand shot.
Each rule is discussed in a way that will provide an understanding of the rule and how that understanding can be used to your advantage. On the course, the level of a golfer's confidence directly impacts his or her performance. If there were nothing else to be gained, the confidence that comes from knowing the rules would be an immediate benefit. As you will see, however, there is much to be gained.

Never Waste A Shot Again: "Rules Explanations and Benefits Exposed"

Can you relate to being uncomfortable on the golf course because you didn't know the correct ruling? Ultimately this FREE advice will save you many shots and increase your confidence ten fold when you order "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf".


"Renegade Mind Tricks for Golf Special Report" by Stephen Ladd ($19.97 Value)

Exclusive! As a super added bonus to "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", I'm including a FREE copy of Stephen's ebook, "Renegade Mind Tricks for Golf Special Report"

This Special Report contains three rather different, and dare I say "spicy" techniques, that will change the way you think about the mental game of golf.

These techniques come from the peak performance trainings of Neuro-Linguistic 
Programming (NLP). They can be used not only on the golf course to slash strokes, but in almost any area of your life to great benefit.

The first one is called Anchoring, and it will allow you to instantly move into your peak performance mindset.

The second one is called the Swish Pattern, and I'll show you how to use it to become completely confident on the golf course, regardless of the situation.

And finally, the Brain Scramble (sounds dangerous, but it's not) is a quick and easy way to let go of bad experiences from past rounds.

"Quickly and Easily Diffuse Negative Emotions After a Poor Shot and Get Back in the Zone"

Granted, these tricks and techniques are a bit "outside of the tee box". However, the results that golfers from around the globe have achieved using these methods are just as uncommon. Grab Stephen's special report FREE to when you order "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf".


"How To Get A Great Golfing Attitude" by Gail Smirthwaite ($19.97 Value)

Exclusive! As a super added bonus to "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", I'm including a FREE copy of my ebook, "How To Get A Great Golfing Attitude"

Gail is a trainer for the PGA CPD programme and tours UK golf cubs conducting talks on ‘how to play golf with confidence’ to all standards of golfers.

Not only that, she coaches many individual tour golfers including Alison 

Nicholas who is our ex-US Open Golf Champion and who has just been announced at the 2009 Solheim Cup UK and European Captain.

Gail offers top notch advice and tips, so much so ‘Glen Muir’ one of the leading prestigious golf clothes companies in the UK (these are the guys that did the clothing for the Ryder Cup) sponsor her.

How would you feel if you knew that every time you arrived at the Golf Club to play a round you were in the best frame of mind possible and ready to enjoy whatever the unpredictable game throws at you?

Discover Gail's ‘Secret’ to feeling great about your game when you receive "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf".


FREE Life Time updates To "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf!! ($97 Value)

I know this Remarkable Book and Audio Course will Work Wonders for YOU! It will become your favourite club in the bag. And thus I want to ensure that everytime I update it you will receive a FREE copy.

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This is a terrific deal - all 6 bonuses for free when you reserve your copy of "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf".

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Don't say "yes" right now. Just say "maybe."

Give it a try. Add to cart, go through the 4 New Magic Moves, learn the secrets and take everything at your own pace.

The course comes with a no-nonsense, no-questions, no-stress, no-hassle, two full months, full money back guarantee of its purchase price.

If for any reason whatsoever you decide this course isn't right for you, just let me knowanytime within the next two months and I'll will pay you back in full.

That’s a whole 60 days to evaluate it yourself and put these steps to the test. Now that’s more than fair!

Apply what you discover in this course to your own golf game. And within two full months, I'm completely confident that your "maybe" will turn into a resounding "YES!"

If not, and if you're not absolutely blown away by the results from what I reveal in "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", then return it to me for a no-questions-asked refund

That's my personal promise,

Andy Brown

"The Solar System Remains a Mystery...

But The Perfect Golf Swing Doesn't Have To Be!"

Let’s recap what you get in "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf" ....

The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf in PDF format
12 Audio MP3 files - over 5 hours! - You have the option to download the whole book as one file.
12 iPod Audiobooks - 372 amazing minutes! - Also download the whole book as one file if you prefer.
BONUS #1: FREE "Fit To A Tee - Discover The Missing Link To Playing Your Best Golf" by Mike Pederson
BONUS #2: FREE "The Top Thirteen Sure-Fire Ways To Hole Every Putt" by Andy Brown
BONUS #3: FREE "How To Easily Cut 3 Shots By Knowing The Rules" by Andy Brown
BONUS #4: FREE "Renegade Mind Tricks for Golf Special Report" by Stephen Ladd
BONUS #5: FREE "How To Get A Great Golfing Attitude" by Gail Smirthwaite
BONUS #6: FREE "FREE Life Time updates To "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf!!"
As you can see, this is a power-packed book and audio course that delivers everything you need to know about playing golf like a pro... And it's easy to learn, easy to digest and easy to use!

And with new improved step-by-step formatting, how can you go wrong?

It really is your guide that offers you the key to unlocking the vault of mystery behind effectively playing golf that will totally astound your friends.

Join me as I show you how to "crack the code" and stay ahead of your fellow golfers.
Get your copy of the "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf" right now and discover what is possibly the easiest way to learn to play superb golf.

Add to cart today! The complete course will be rushed to you immediately. No shipping charges to pay! "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf" runs on both PC and Macintosh computers.

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How excited will you be when you significantly improve your golf swing over the next couple of weeks?
Your Golfing Success,
Andy Brown

P.S. I urge you to reserve your copy today. Right now. Do it before it's too late. Unless you take action right NOW and grab "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf", quite frankly nothing is going to change in your golf game. Nothing. Nadda. Zero.

P.P.S. Most importantly... You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to start playing better golf with "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf". You won't need to spend another cent or penny again when I show you all his secrets... completely at my risk!

PLUS, since I just launched this new version, you can get it right now at $37.05 off. It's as black and white as that. Don't hesitate - add your copy to the cart right now.

P.P.P.S. So don't forget... Order before now and you'll will receive:

Bonus #1 "Fit To A Tee - Discover The Missing Link To Playing Your Best Golf" by Mike Pederson... A $27.97 value but yours free!

Bonus #2 "The Top Thirteen Sure-Fire Ways To Hole Every Putt" by Andy Brown... A $19.97 value but yours for nothing!

Bonus #3 "How To Easily Cut 3 Shots By Knowing The Rules" by Andy Brown... A $27.97 value but yours for nothing!

Bonus #4 "Renegade Mind Tricks for Golf Special Report" by Stephen Ladd... A $19.97 value but yours for nada, zippo!

Bonus #5 "How To Get A Great Golfing Attitude" by Gail Smirthwaite... A $19.97 value but yours on the house!

Bonus #6 FREE Life Time updates To "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf!" ... A $97 value but today free!

P.P.P.S. "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf" is your simple step-by-step blueprint to understanding how the golf swing works. You have our two full months, 100% money-back guarantee to fully evaluate and use the strategies presented in "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf". Don't like it? Just ask me for a full refund, you don't even have to send us the course back. You can even keep all the bonuses. You'll agree I can't be fairer than that!

P.P.P.P.S. If you continue to play golf the same way, you're going to get the same results. What I'm offering you is the easiest, most risk-free way to try "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf" so you can see for yourself how the four magic moves can improve your golf and help you achieve the consistent swing and lower scores you have always wanted.