A New Improved Version

"... All The Secrets In A New Improved Version
Of This World Renowned Golfing Classic!"

Golfsense swing secrets revealed.This newly released course called "The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf" by Andy Brown and Joe Dante is the quickest and easiest way to learn golf. Inside this magnificent course you'll get pages and pages of well-written practical golf instruction and hours and hours of comprehensive golf tuition. Absolutely everything any golfer would need to explode their game!

The course is divided up into 11 comprehensive sections that you can read and listen to:

Opening - 0:23 mins
Introduction - 6:56 mins
1. What You Can Do - 8:43 mins
2. Sweeping Out the Rubbish - 45:13 mins
3. Getting Set: The Grip and the Stance - 31:31 mins
4. The Backswing - 18:38 mins
5. At the Top - 14:48 mins
6. Starting Down - 35:40 mins
7. Through the Ball - 32:26 mins
8. The Short Game - 46:27 mins
9. In and Out of Trouble - 12:59 mins
10. The Early Break and the Late Hit—Secrets of Timing and Rhythm - 25:41 mins
11. Thinking Your Way Around - 33:55 mins

(illustration only - this is a downloadable product)
Golfsense swing secrets revealed. By reading and listening to each chapter you will be given a picture and an understanding of the swing, particularly of the puzzling action of the club head, that will be entirely new to you.

After dealing with the full swing I go into a detailed description of the short game, including putting, the trouble shots, and, finally, the mental or thinking side of golf.

With this you will have acquired the knowledge and the weapons for a golf game far better than any you have known. It will then be up to you to use them.
  • Whether you used to play, but got so fed up you cancelled your membership...
  • Whether you play when you can, but always regret it afterwards!
  • Whether you play three times a week...
  • Whether you play two or three times a month...
  • Whether you're a brand new beginner or a seasoned low handicaper...
... This proven "step by step" easy to follow system provides you with the knowledge, skills and tools you need to rapidly improve your golf swing.

Once you discover this revolutionary winning formula — You'll learn how to change your swing more than you ever dreamed imaginable — for many years to come you will find this unbeatable "golf swing blueprint" an indispensable golf tool.

Plus, the entire course was created so that an average, ordinary golfer of any standard could learn to apply these techniques to their game.

With The Four Magic Moves you'll also discover the only 4 magic pointers you definitely need to know to succeed at golf...

It's truly a fantastic resource that will transform the often confusing subject of the Golf Swing into something that's comprehensive to understand and apply.

". . . NO fluff . . . NO filler. . . NO fat . . . "

.. and long winded golf history lessons!

In other words, this incomparable golfing roadmap to success doesn’t go into the history of golf or recap the life of 

Tiger Woods or any other great player. You won’t learn about the best golf courses to play, or where to buy the cheapest clubs, The New Four Magic Moves is about the most important aspect of golf there is - your swing"

(Heck, you can learn all of that on the Internet for free, anyway!)

Instead, with The New Four Magic Moves you get what I'm sure you would agree matters most!
And that’s a solid, straightforward, step-by-step insight on how you can improve your golf swing!

This is indeed a user-friendly course. In one phrase, it's "The golf swing made simple!"

"The Ultimate Golfing Masterpiece!"
"This is the miracle book golf tuition course I have been searching for all my golfing life. You can take all the countless golf books, courses, magazines, video and DVDs I have bought over the years - and bin them - they just don't come close to the impact the four magic moves has made on my game. Each move is comprehensively covered, yet simple to understand - there really are only four actions you need to know.
D T Grant, Dundee, Scotland
I Was Able To Reach Par 5s In Two,
Something I Hadn't Done In Years!"

John, Chicago

"Here's What the Complete Course Contains... "

The video, ebook and audio course consists of a 11 chapters, 56 pictures and over 5 hours of audio. Here's what this jam-packed golf instruction course includes ...

Chapter 1. - What You Can Do. Why don't more people play better golf than they do? The blunt truth is that they don't because the golf swing is heavily overlaid with a sludge of fallacy, misunderstanding, faulty theory, myth, and just plain ignorance. So thick is this coating that it is a wonder anyone ever gets through it and down to the hard, clean mechanics of the sound swing. It is this sludge, most of which has been covering the swing for so long that it now acts as an insulation, that I will cut away in this course. Once the myths and fallacies are exploded and the true machinery of the swing is laid bare for all to see and understand, golf becomes a much less difficult game.

Chapter 2. - Sweeping Out the Rubbish. Discover the two dozen fallacies of golf that are most prevalent and have caused and still cause the most damage. Particularly those which must be exploded thoroughly if you are to assimilate the new thoughts, principles, and actions given to you in this course. Watch carefully. The fuse is lit!

Chapter 3. - Getting Set: The Grip and the Stance. There can be no doubt that the first mistakes a golfer can make are to hold the club with a defective grip and to stand up to the ball the wrong way. Either puts a heavy impost on a player before he makes a move to swing the club. Together they make a good shot almost impossible.

Chapter 4. - The Backswing. Now you are ready to start the swing, to uncover the first fatal flaws that appear, with the horrible shots they produce, and to learn the first of the magic moves that will cut strokes from your score. This really is where the magic begins! It is thekey move and the foundation of the swing

Chapter 5. - At The Top. The position at the top of the backswing is important. If it is reached correctly it means you are halfway through the swing correctly. It means that now, at least, you are in a position to make a good downswing and hit a good shot. With most of pupils I can tell pretty well, as can any pro, whether a shot will be good or bad just from their position at the top.

Chapter 6. - Starting Down. We can have a perfect grip, start back from the ball properly, reach the top in faultless position - and then ruin it all by the next move we make. Not only can the swing be ruined by this move, it is
ruined about 95 per cent of the time. In this chapter you will learn how and why the fatal flaws develop on the first move down from the top and exactly what they are. You are also reminded again of the terrible shots they cause. The reminder may be painful but the gain in knowledge will be great. With it you
will be able to replace the wrong moves and faulty positions with the right ones. When you do, you will cut strokes - many of them - from your score.

Chapter 7 - Through The Ball. For the poor or average player the same magic moves apply, but he must first learn to get himself into the position the good player is in as he reaches the hitting area. There are just no two ways about it. The final stage of the full swing is completed and all its mysteries are explained

Chapter 8 - The Short Game. As we see it, the short game falls, into four categories: the short pitch from thirty yards down, the green-side trap shot, the chip from the fringe, and the putt. The technique for this short pitch is the same, fundamentally, as for the full shot, except that it is in a modified form.

Chapter 9 - In And Out Of Trouble. On a golf course, as a rule, trouble comes at us swiftly and unexpectedly. There are times when we do not quite expect to carry a brook or a cross trap, or when we know we can easily miss a
green with a wood or a long iron. Then we are not surprised when we find ourselves in difficulties. But much more often we stand on a tee, with a wide fairway beckoning, swing - and find ourselves in the woods or heavy rough - isn't it time for a change!

Chapter 10 - The Early Break and the Late Hit—Secrets of Timing and Rhythm. The answer to the effort-distance puzzle is timing, but just what is timing? For one thing, it is a word that has been used more loosely, perhaps, than any other in golf literature. We have been blandly told that we should work to improve our timing, that our timing is off, that without good timing we cannot hope to play well. But what exactly is it? Today you will learn the secrets of timing and rhythm. We expose the truth at long last. Decide for yourself whether you want to be left in the dark any longer!

Chapter 11 - Thinking Your Way Around. So far, everything in this book and audio course has dealt with the physical actions of golf, the positions and movements of your hands, your feet, your body, your arms, and of the club itself. There is another side of golf, though, that is all too frequently overlooked in our sometimes frantic efforts to master the swing. This is the mental or thinking side of the game. Happily, this is not nearly so difficult to master as the rest, as you will find in this chapter

"... But That's Not All! Here's What You'll See
Inside Your Course... "

The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf course is a PDF file ("Portable Document Format", MP3 files and which can be loaded on both PC's or Mac's) Specifically, you get...

A 155 page step-by-step Adobe® PDF file explaining the exact four magic moves you need to make in very simple language.

Over 5 hours of stimulating audio that offers an amazing insight into how YOU can easily change your golf swing. Download MP3 for listening to on your PC or iPod M4B files for you to listen in the gym, in your living room or out in your garden. In fact, wherever you take your iPod.
You’ll never lose your place
Your iPod lets you easily navigate through each chapter, and when you sync back and forth between your computer and iPod, each chapter will keep track of where you last left off listening — just like a virtual bookmark

56 detailed ilustrations and photographs that offer a visual demonstration of how to improve your golf, step by step.

Enjoy the luxury of listening to the Four Magic Moves when you are on the go or relaxing at home.

Easily refer to particular points in the book on the golf course with your PDA!

But let's be more specific. The book and audio course contains....
  • What You Can Do
  • Sweeping Out the Rubbish
    "Relax" - "Use a light grip" - "Be loose" - "Take the club back inside" - "The club follows the same path coming down that it takes going up" - "Pause at the top" - "Turn the hips to the left" - "Keep the head still" - "Start down with a pull of the left arm" - "Have the face open at the top" - "Don't let the body or hands get ahead of the club" - "Be comfortable" - "Break the wrists late" - "Swing the club head" - "Hit against a firm left side" - "Snap your wrists into the shot" - "Hit hard with the right hand" - "Don't drop the right shoulder" - "Hit down on the ball" - "Use your natural swing" - "Follow through" - "Don't quit on the shot" - "Pronate your wrists" - "Pivot the body" - "Positions at address and impact must be the same" 
  • Getting Set: The Grip and the Stance
    Common Faults - Placing the Hands - Hold It Tight - How We Stand - Beware the "Open" Body - How Far from the Ball? - Where We Put the Ball 
  • The Backswing
    The 1st Magic Move - The Thumb Press - Into the Swing - What It Does 
  • At the Top
    The Fatal Flaw - The 2nd Magic Move - A Straight Left Wrist - The Shoulder Tap 
  • Starting Down
    The Fatal Flaws - The 3rd Magic Move - How It Feels - The Check Points -Eternal Preoccupation with the Club Head - The Insidious Hand Lag - Hold the Wrist Position 
  • Through the Ball
    The 4th Magic Move - COAM - What It Is and What It Does
    How the Hands Help - The Final Proof - The Strap Treatment 
  • The Short Game
    The Short Pitch - The Chip - Putting - The Greenside Trap 
  • In and Out of Trouble
    Woods and Rough - Fairway Traps - Obstructions - Lies of All Kinds 
  • The Early Break and the Late Hit Secrets of Timing and Rhythm
    Timing - Rhythm and Tempo - How the Early Break Helps - All Quiet at the Top 
  • Thinking Your Way Around
    The Weapons We Use - Which Clubs to Carry - Strategy on the Tee - Handling the Wind - Have an Eye for Position - When the Track Is Wet - The Payoff Area -List Your Faults
As you can see, the complete The Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf course is chock-a-block with possibly everything you need to improve your game... And a whole lot more!

Discover the secrets to increasing your power and precision by studying the unparalleled " The New Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf". The course consists of a 11 compelling chapters, 5+ hours of audio and 56 remarkable pictures. Here's what this must-have book and audio courseincludes...
How The Left Hand Should Look On The Club. You can't afford to get this wrong! (page 24)

Looking At The Inside Of The Left Hand. See how the club should lie in relation to your palm. Discover what must always be between the club and the root of the little finger. (page 25)

View How The Right Hand Goes On The Club. Learn exactly where the club lies and where the forefinger has to be! (page 26)

Learn How The Right Hand Fits Against The Left One. I reveal the correct position for the right palm and the base of the left thumb.(page 27)

The Magic Of The Completed Grip - It Can Make Or Break Your Swing. It's crucial you get to see this view before hitting another golf ball!! (page 27)

The View Of The Completed Grip With The Club Held Up. What you need to know about the right hand's little finger. (page 28)

Attention: The Three Perfect Golf Stances. Explore the three possible stances and how they can make a remarkable difference to your game. (page 30)

The Secret Illustration That Will Keep Your Swing Compact Forever. A guaranteed and unrivaled way of improving your swing. (page 32)

How To Address The Ball With The Correct Position Using The "Trouser Fly Technique"! We expose the wrong and right positionsof this amazing secret. (page 33)

Discover How To Check Your Distance From The Ball. This easy to use method works for everyone! (page 35)

Where To Place The Ball. The four basic positions: for the driver, for the fairway woods, for the long irons, for the medium and short irons.(page 37)

There Is ONLY One Way The Right Hand Should Move From The Wrist. Take the time to study this well - it is crucially important to your success. (page 40)

Learn How The Backward Break Is Made. These breakthrough TWO illustrations pinpoint the exact hand and wrist positions - not to be missed. (page 41)

How The Backward Break Looks From The Side. Pay particular Attention to the bend in the left wrist and the position of the club face.(page 42)

The Wrong Break. Note the difference in the left-hand position and observe also the differences in the club-face positions. Never do it like this. (page 43)

What You Should See When You Make The Backward Break Perfectly. The position of the knuckles can not be over emphasised.(page 44)

Read More...www.golfswingsecretsrevealed.com